The City of Everman, Tarrant County, and their consultant, TNP, are working on a flood assessment and master drainage study for Chambers Creek. Public input is critical to this project and we would like property owners in the area to share their experiences. There are a couple of opportunities to share your information:
- Complete a flood survey at:
- Attend a public open house meeting:
Wednesday, June 21
4:00 – 8:00 PM
Everman Civic Center, 213 Race St.
This meeting will be open house format where you can visit one-on-one with a member of the flood study team to share your experiences. There will be an opportunity to complete the survey at the meeting as well.
For additional information about the study, please visit this link to our YouTube channel where a summary of the project was presented to the City Council: (Start at 30:33)
Thanks for your help with this important project and we hope to see you at the open house!
We know that flooding has been a major topic for the City of Everman since the disastrous flood of 2018. Since then, the City of Everman and Tarrant County have worked tirelessly to pursue funding to support a Master Drainage Study. Recently, the Texas Division of Emergency Management awarded grant funding for this study. The Engineering Firm conducting the study will be making a presentation to the Everman City Council in a public forum at the upcoming council meeting. This meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed on the City of Everman YouTube channel. If you want to learn more about this study and what the City and County are doing to address flooding issues, we encourage you to come to this meeting or tune in.
Tuesday, May 2nd at 6:30pm
Everman Civic Center
213 N. Race St
Everman, Texas 76140