Everman Senior Citizens


Everman Senior Citizens meet the third Thursday of each month in the City Annex building at 11:00am. Come join us for fun and fellowship. We play Dominoes and some other games. On each meeting day, each person brings a dish of food to share and one dollar for the donation plate to purchase paper goods and sometimes pay for entertainment. Membership is available to anyone 55 years of age and over. For more information, please call 682-777-8491.
(Local number) Thanks so much for your support.


Everman seniors and persons with disabilities have a new way of getting around! Not only does the new service provide trips within Everman, but riders may travel anywhere within Tarrant County. This new transportation service is a partnership of the Texas Department of Transportation, the American Red Cross on Wheels, the “T” and participating Tarrant County communities.

The program design has equally divided the administrative costs among 20 Tarrant County communities based on their senior population. Each of the communities has been offered a partnership in the program. The City of Everman is one of the first 10 communities to participate in the program. The city’s agreement allows Everman seniors and persons with disabilities to ride the new service for $2.50 per one way trip. There is a guaranteed van for Everman riders on Fridays. Riders may call for space available trips on other days of the week. Trips may be for medical, shopping and recreation from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, curb to curb, week days only. There will be NO holiday service and it will be operated on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis, with countywide trips grouped for efficiency.

The service schedule is as follows:

MONDAYS: Saginaw and Azle
TUESDAYS: Mansfield, Benbrook and Kennedale
WEDNESDAYS: Westworth Village and Sansom Park
THURSDAYS: Crowley, Benbrook
FRIDAYS: Everman and Forest Hill

Those interested in service may call for assistance.

For Registration and Reservations please call Catholic Charities
Hours 8:30 AM – 4:30PM Monday – Friday.

$2.50 One-way Fare for participating cities.
$10.00 One-way Fare for non-participating cities.
No Holiday or weekend service
Service Hours 6am to 6pm

For more information, Please call 817-336-8714. NO NEED TO GET STUCK WITHOUT TRANSPORTATION !!!