Welcome to the City of Everman Municipal Court
Municipal Court Judge: Bill Lane
Municipal Court Clerk: Edna Martinez (emartinez@evermantx.net)
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Location and Mailing Address:
Everman City Hall
212 N. Race St.
Everman, Texas, 76140
Phone Number: 817- 293- 0588
Fax Number: 817- 551- 9495
Deferred Disposition
You may wish to request deferred disposition for your offense to keep the moving traffic
offense from appearing on your record. You will be required to pay the deferral fee,
usually the same amount as the fine and once the deferral fee has been paid, you
must not receive any citations in the City of Everman during your probation period.
The probation period can be anywhere from 30 to 180 days. If you do not receive any
citations during your probation period, then your citation is dismissed. The judge may
require additional conditions such as, anyone under the age of 25 to complete a driver
safety course as a term of probation.